Springfield Class of 2010

Class Bulletin Board

Summer or Enrichment Programs for 2009
Your webmaster - Mrs. Coover
Tips and Hints
Class Bulletin Board
Class Photo Album
In Depth...
The Counselor's Corner
College and Career Information
Useful/Informational Handouts
E-newsletter ARCHIVES

HERE IS WHERE I WILL POST ALL THE INTERESTING THINGS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING. Some of the postings I will put up and others you or your friends should email me about.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Haley Kmetz for being a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Stacy Finnegan and Leah Debenedictis for being cast in the upcoming fall production of Blithe Spirit. Go check it out!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Kate Johnson, Gina Orangers, Ian Maguire, Alyssa Colston, Bridget Kearney, Kristen Richers and Bonnie Saporetti for being members of the National Art Honors Society.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Janet Lafferty, Rob Tumelty, Hayden Karheim, Shannon Burns, Morgan Doyle for being elected as class officers for 2008-2009.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Alex Shegda, John Betts, Shawn Patterson, Jeff Wilkinson, Emily Lobacz, Myneshia McKenzie, Kevin Beal, Wil Rivera, Julianna Borgia, Carey Sentman and Matt Govanicci for being recognized during Celebration for their culinary expertise.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Brittany Mace, Ian Maguire, Julie Sabato, Jordan Land, Kristen Richers, Josh Irons, Lyndsay Haverdink, Jack Rayer, Kate Johnson and Emily Lobacz for being recognized during Celebration for their photos.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Kevin Stewart for being selected for Student Government Executive Council for 2008-2009.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Maddie McKnight, Alex Shegda and James Figueiredo for their participation in the PA State Wide Computer Fair.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Leah DeBenedictis, Gina O’Rangers and Bonnie Saporetti for their induction into the National Art Honor Society
CONGRATULATIONS TO Leah Debenedictis for participating in the West Chester One Act Play Competition
CONGRATULATIONS TO Chelsea Pierce and Michelle Goff for participating in the Central League Writing Contest
CONGRATULATIONS TO the following students who took top honors at the Delaware County Computer Fair: Jerry George, Maddy McKnight, Alex Shegda, Ryan Wright (in two categories), Billy Brownlow, Emily Lobacz, Steph Diehl,
CONGRATULATIONS TO Maddy McKnight who, with her partner, took FIRST PLACE in desktop publishing in a Future Business Leaders of America competition!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Dalton Carroll who has been playing for an Olympic Development Soccer Program for years and who has overcome a major injury to represent the U.S. in both Mexico and Spain!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Val Paolucci who broke her own school record while competing in the track State Championship!
CONGRATULATIONS TO the Science Olympiad Team (Hannah and Hayden Karlheim, Kevin Stewart, Ryan Wright, Chris Roberts) who placed 5th out of 38 high schools at a regional competition!
CONGRATULATIONS TO John Carr who was runner-up in the Archery Tournament!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Morgan Doyle, Jenn Mahon, Alex Jeffers, Hayden Karlheim, Rob Tumelty for being elected as class officers!    
CONGRATULATIONS TO Ashley Carroll and Britney Agostini for being their involvement in the success of the varsity softball team!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Brianna DiPietro and Michelle Maylie for being the only two freshmen to compete in the District Track and Field Championship.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Kim Richardson who took first place again at the Martin Luther King Oratorical Competition!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Chris Roberts, PJ Greenleaf, Kevin Stewart, Eric Ulmer and Ryan Wright who participated in the Science Olympiad competition on February 27th. Good for you!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Jen Mahon, Shannon Burns, Jen Houtman and all the lady Cougars who had an undefeated JV basketball season! Way to go!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Maddy McKnight and MyNeshia McKenzie who played on the Varsity basketball team and helped them finish third in the Central League! Great job!
CONGRATULATIONS TO those 9th grade students who will be taking the American Mathematics Competition:
Sherin Abraham
Mark Antenucci
Leah Debenedictis
Morgan Doyle
Pat Flaherty
AJ Furia
PJ Greenleaf
Haley Kmetz
Jon Lam
Jenn Mahon
Kim McCormick
Elizabeth Owens
Mike Pizzica
Jack Rayer
Brett Shinn
Denai Tekie
Eric Ulmer
Breanna Whetzel
Ryan Wright
CONGRATULATIONS TO those 9th grade students who have qualified for Table Tennis, Badminton and Archery tournaments on 10/12:
Julie Sabato, Donovan Berger, Michelle Maylie, Kara Henry, Chris Roberts, TJ Chestnut, Billy McCullough, Ryan Thomas, Val Paolucci, Sam McLaughlin, Kelli Wilson
CONGRATULATIONS TO those members of our class who were recognized for their accomplishments at the Recognition Ceremony:

SEA Distinguished Honor Roll Award 

Lily Austin

Morgan Doyle

Emily Fries

Kristina Genzel

Jennifer Houtmann

Christy Kobasa

Jennifer Mahon

Michelle Maylie

Kimmerle McCormick

Madeline McKnight

Elizabeth Owens

Valerie Paolucci

Chelsea Pierce

Morgan Russom

Wallace Rutecki

Eric Ulmer

Dr. Charles McLaughlin Leadership Award

Jennifer Mahon

Don McRae Attendence Award

Joshua Irons

Michael Pizzica

Rebecca Roman

Robert McCoach

Alexander J. Furia

Margaret Keller

Morgan Russom

Gary Griffin Memorial Environmental Award

Rebecca Roman

DAR Citizenship Award

Wallace Rutecki

DAR History Award

Lily Austin

Lion’s Club Math/Science Award

Lily Austin

Julianna Borgia

Shannon Burns

Morgan Doyle

Emily Fries

Kristina Genzel

Thomas Hewitt

Jennifer Houtmann

Christy Kobasa

Jennifer Mahon

Michelle Maylie

Chelsea McCalla

Kimmerle McCormick

Madeline McKnight

Elizabeth Owens

Valerie Paolucci

Chelsea Pierce

Rebecca Roman

Morgan Russom

Wallace Rutecki

Julia Sabato

Svitlana Shovgan

Robert Tumelty

Eric Ulmer

Instrumental Music Award

Eric Ulmer

Haley Kmetz

Vocal Music Award

John Thomas

Ashley Glace

Scholar Athlete

Madeline McKnight

Jordan Wallin

Richard Stevenson Sportsmanship Award

Chelsea McCalla

Gail Outlaw Award

Morgan Doyle

Jennifer Mahon

Sean Strain

Rebecca Roman

Inspired by:

Chelsea Pierce 

Donald Eckert Distinguished Service Award

Patrick Moore


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WHOLE CLASS OF 2010 on your graduation from middle school!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Zayeed Islam, Kim Richardson, Stacy Finnegan, John Thomas, Ryan Thomas, Norah Meighan, Ashley Glace, Matt Karnis and Veronica White for doing a great job in the MLK Oratorical Competition at the high school.



Things sent to me and meant to be shared...
Shared with me by Emily Lobacz:
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past,
than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
It will make or break a company...a church...a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable . The only thing we can do is play
on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to us and
90% how we react to it.
And so it is with you...
- Charles Swindoll
Submitted by Erin Gryn:
She's too short, he's too tall.
Her eyebrows are too thick, and his nose is too small.
She gets too sad, he looks too weird.
Her freckles are too big, and no one likes his beard.
Her mouth is filled with metal, he has 4 eyes instead of 2.
Her hair is way too dark, and his eyes are way too blue.
She paints her nails black, he always wears a tie.
She'll never smile and he'll never cry.
She won't be noticed, he won't make the team.
Her name will never be in lights, and he'll never achieve his dream.
Why is everyone judged? Why is being accepted so tough?
Why do people try so hard and why are teenage years so rough?
No one should be judged.
No one should be hurt by something you say.
No one should be excluded and most of all
no one should be treated this way.
(Copied out of a magazine)

"In the News" Responses
Posted here are your responses to "In the News" items on the homepage.

"I shook hands with Barack Obama today in Philadelphia! It was so cool! I hope that he is our next president!"
"It makes me so mad that it seems like the media is making Blair out to be a bad kid. He wasn't at all! I wish people would be more sensitive to his memory!"
At Mr. Bascelli's viewing I read a quote in a picture collage that reminded me of him: "Paradise is reserved for those who make us laugh."  - Mrs. Coover
Student Responses:
"It is terrible that Billy and Andy lost their dads. Especially because they are guys. Guys and dads...I can't really explain it."

Class Comments
Here is where I will post comments from the students of the class of 2010 on a variety of subjects.
Email me to contribute your thoughts!
"I think you should allow us to create a new class chant and vote on it."
"I'm not sure about this 9th grade academy. I'm worried that it will be all different from what I was expecting."
"Things really aren't changing that much. We will still see upper classmen, have electives and lunches with them. We still have honors classes and everything else. The only difference is that our homerooms and classes will be close together. I'm actually glad we don't have to walk all around the building."

Please let me know if you would like me to make your comments in this area anonymous.

E-MAIL ME AT: coovebet@ssd.k12.pa.us

"We're proud young women! We're proud young men! We are the class of 2010!"